Disney top offer Europe

21753 - Disney top offer Europe
21753 - Disney top offer Europe
21753 - Disney top offer Europe

Disney top offer Europe

Item number: 21753

Disney 100% printed cotton tops ( Manufacture licence copy supplied)
All perfect a grade ( cancelled order due to late delivery )
3/4, 5/6 & 7/8 Years
Size ratio: equal for each size
Sizes in box - 98/104 = 5, 110/116=5, 122/128=5 = 15 PER BOX
IN STOCK 110 boxes = 1 650 tops
Each piece individually packed and come with 7.99 Euro retail price tags
Price take all: 3.35 EUR including free delivery to any country in Europe except Cyprus, Malta

Price: 3.35 €

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.