Stock of children's and adults clothing Europe

56290 - Stock of children's and adults clothing Europe
56290 - Stock of children's and adults clothing Europe
56290 - Stock of children's and adults clothing Europe
56290 - Stock of children's and adults clothing Europe
56290 - Stock of children's and adults clothing Europe
56290 - Stock of children's and adults clothing Europe
56290 - Stock of children's and adults clothing Europe
56290 - Stock of children's and adults clothing Europe
56290 - Stock of children's and adults clothing Europe
56290 - Stock of children's and adults clothing Europe
56290 - Stock of children's and adults clothing Europe
56290 - Stock of children's and adults clothing Europe

Stock of children's and adults clothing Europe

Item number: 56290

Stock of children's clothing | Baby girl and boy | Man | Woman
Total: 50 000 pieces
65% child
35% adult
Box assorted in size and 2 colours
Items bagged
Price take all: 1.99€ pcs.
EXW Europe

Price: 1.99 €

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.