ZARA - summer clothes for woman, men and kids Europe

47049 - ZARA - summer clothes for woman, men and kids Europe
47049 - ZARA - summer clothes for woman, men and kids Europe
47049 - ZARA - summer clothes for woman, men and kids Europe
47049 - ZARA - summer clothes for woman, men and kids Europe
47049 - ZARA - summer clothes for woman, men and kids Europe


ZARA - summer clothes for woman, men and kids Europe

Item number: 47049

Stock of the famous brand by Grupo Indetex (Zara, Ibiza, Bershka, Stradivarius, etc.) - clothes for woman, men and kids Available immediately
There are not packing list available
No restrictions on sale
80% women, 20% men and children and 70% women's tops
Total: 160 000 pieces
Mimimun Order Quantity 60.000 pieces.
Price: 2.65 EUR per piece
EXW Spain
More pictures per customer request

Price: 2.65 €

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.