Mixed Area Rugs - Lots of Variety USA

50230 - Mixed Area Rugs - Lots of Variety USA
50230 - Mixed Area Rugs - Lots of Variety USA
50230 - Mixed Area Rugs - Lots of Variety USA
50230 - Mixed Area Rugs - Lots of Variety USA

Mixed Area Rugs - Lots of Variety USA

Item number: 50230

TGT Area Rug Load
Multiple loads available
Condition: Mix of online and store returns
Wide variety of sizes and styles
Not manifested
Rugs are stacked in crates made from pallets (see photos) Approximately 23 rugs per crate. We can double-stack to fit 24 crates per trailer.
12-crates = Single Stacked Load
Estimated to be ~ 276 rugs
Price: 10 660$

24-crates = Double Stacked Load
Estimated to be ~ 552 rugs
Price: 17 600$

Price: 10660.00 $

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.